LSSF Dollars for Scholars welcomes planned giving and can be part of the process to build charitable giving into donor estate plans allowing donors to leave a living and impactful legacy in the Lincoln-Sudbury community.
A charitable bequest by a donor to create an endowment or add to an existing fund can be made in conjunction with the donor, their lawyer and the assistance of an LSSF Dollars for Scholars representative.
Bequeathed endowments require a minimum initial donation of $25,000. These endowed scholarships are funded through returns on the invested principal and payouts will vary as they are dependent on investment performance.
LSSF Dollars for Scholars representatives will work with the donors to establish eligibility criteria for the scholarship (examples of current criteria include interest in music, participation in sports or community service, or a specific major in college). Due to IRS regulations, donors are not allowed to be participants in the selection process. Established and clear criteria will serve as the donor's voice at the selection table.
Bequeathed endowments can use the standard LSSF Dollars for Scholars criteria:
40% financial need
40% academic achievement
20% community service, athletic and /or activities participation, or work experience
or they may define their own.
Bequeathed endowments may also include financial need at the donor's request.
To discuss your bequest endowment or donation with LSSF Dollars for Scholars, please email